Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mojo's outta whack

Sorry all I have been a bit slack and have not been sharing of late.
Brits is back up and running good group for all PSP newbies.
New PNG Autumn frame for all those living on the other side of the equator.
and a Quickie Birthday Frame
I still have two scrapkits in the making Wedding and babies pages.
That's all for now

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Britsynin PSP Group

Britsynin  PSP Group
Accepting new members now

Studs Shed

Studs Shed
This Guy does really great Tutorials


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Kiwi, NZ born and bred. Love Australian beaches.Hope to go to Surfers within the next few months for a holiday with family.
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Sydney Graffiti

Sydney Graffiti
The 70's peace out